Marketing to a Built Relationship

What is Appreciation Marketing?

Appreciation marketing is the combined efforts of excellent customer service with today's digital and offline marketing techniques to build strong relationships with consumers. The TGYB Marketing Mix results in consistent customer loyalty, which drives sales for any business and leaves the customer with knowing that business sincerely cares about them as an individual.

3 Appreciation Marketing Outcomes 
1. Builds Better Relationships 
2. Creates Effective Followup 
3. Changes Negative Impressions

Customer Retention/Customer Loyalty

There's a rule... 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients.  If this is factual, then why do most companies focus on new customers and disregard their current or past customers? Experts will tell you that it's five times more profitable to spend marketing and advertising dollars to retain current customers than it is to acquire new customers. It's time to rethink your marketing strategy! Back in the day neighborhood shops created a personal connection with its community.  Nowadays stores are larger and the majority of the sales personnel don't know that you even exist. We have the convenience of the internet, doing a large portion of our shopping online, and being known by your email address suffices. Customer loyalty is hard to pin down leading large corporations and virtual storefronts pondering on how to keep customers from straying.

How much have you invested in sales and marketing your company over the last year? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions?  Customer retention is about keeping the customers you've invested in to acquire. You build customer loyalty by treating people how they want to be treated. Does your marketing plan include strategies for customer loyalty & customer retention?


Add value to your today company with these 3 customer retention & loyalty strategies:
1. Keeping touch with customers using email marketing, thank you cards and more.
2. Showing your clients that you care by remembering what they like and don’t like.
3. Reward clients for using your products and/or services and reward them when they tell others.

Thank & Grow Your Biz marketing Mix