Monday, September 3, 2012

Are you grateful? Then prove it!

About a month or so ago, I took a challenge to spend 30 days sending out thank you cards to my business clients, friends, family, etc.  I thought it would be a great way to get back in touch with clients I haven't heard from and dust off my address book.  I decided to take the challenge because a client of mine sent me a thank you gift that I didn't expect to receive.  Look at my testimony

It dawned on me that sending correspondence of any kind retains your client base and expands it all through the power of THANKS!  Being thankful for your customers is easy to do at a cash wrap or to say once a transaction has occurred.  But taking the time to write down a personalized 'Thank You' creates a magical effect between you and your customer.  Through this act of gratitude, your customer appreciates the gesture by making sure their friends and colleagues know about your services and all the ways you show appreciation for them choosing to do business with you.

Why not show your customers and potential clients how much you appreciate them by taking some time out to express how much you really appreciate them.  Why not take the challenge?  Take The 30 day challenge and let me know how it goes!

Mogul Sonya Michele

Marketing Specialist

Mogul Sonya Michele specializes in online marketing and truly believes appreciating your customers and potential clients is essential to any business.


  1. The 30 Day Challenge has truly changed my life and those around me because it truly brings back the more personal touch that has seem to be left behind these days. I encourage and challenge anyone to take the 30 day Gratitude challenge with Sonya your life will never be the same. Isn't your customers, clients or even family members worth an unexpected card and gift? Find out why they truly are. Take it today. Thank you Sonya!
