2012 - Archieve

Under the hood articles from the past.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Through the eyes of a friend: Adding Gratitude to your business

Sometimes we can be so focused on developing our business that we take our eyes off of what really is important....how we see ourselves.  When we truly appreciate how we see ourselves, we can better serve others because we have a better understanding of what we have to offer.

I have the privilege of being apart of a special group of people that are changing lives through the attitude of gratitude.  When you are person who gives without expecting anything in return, you forget that you deserve to be elevated, celebrated, and appreciated as well.  Team Pure Intent has acknowledged me as Game Changer of The Month!  I wanted to share the kind words so eloquently bestowed by team leader Byron Talbert.  ENJOY!!
Team Pure Intent: GAME CHANGER OF THE MONTH: SONYA MICHELE: Sonya Michele is a woman with passion and compassion for others. With her energy and smiling face she draws people from far and near...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Social Media: Social Network For That Good Feeling

In a paper that appeared in The Journal of Happiness Studies, discusses how we feel when we are grateful when someone helps us as well as when we see someone being generous to someone else. The study explains how we are often inspired to go help other people. Even strangers. The researchers call this “upstream reciprocity.”

The researchers in this study used social network analysis to figure out the degree to which an individual’s gratitude influences his or her social network. They looked at study groups in a Taiwanese University, and they measured the flow of goodwill and gratitude among team members. They concluded that gratitude broadens individuals’ perspectives of their current environment and causes them to transfer the goodwill that they received to other people they will encounter in the future thus emitting a transmission replicating itself and eventually influence the structure of a given social network. Basically when one receives gratitude, the energy creates a ripple effect outward from the receiver. IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!

Are you grateful? Then prove it!

About a month or so ago, I took a challenge to spend 30 days sending out thank you cards to my business clients, friends, family, etc.  I thought it would be a great way to get back in touch with clients I haven't heard from and dust off my address book.  I decided to take the challenge because a client of mine sent me a thank you gift that I didn't expect to receive.  Look at my testimony

It dawned on me that sending correspondence of any kind retains your client base and expands it all through the power of THANKS!  Being thankful for your customers is easy to do at a cash wrap or to say once a transaction has occurred.  But taking the time to write down a personalized 'Thank You' creates a magical effect between you and your customer.  Through this act of gratitude, your customer appreciates the gesture by making sure their friends and colleagues know about your services and all the ways you show appreciation for them choosing to do business with you.

Why not show your customers and potential clients how much you appreciate them by taking some time out to express how much you really appreciate them.  Why not take the challenge?  Take The 30 day challenge and let me know how it goes!