Appreciation Marketing Resource for Businesses

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  • High Performing

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  • Amazing Fast Loading

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    Thank and Grow with Appreciation

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    Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    2,4,6,8, who do you appreciate?

    There are moments in our lives when we have all that we need to accomplish tasks and we use what we have to get things done.  Then there are times when we may know the skills in our heads but don't necessarily have the tools to get the task done.  This is what I faced today.

    Yesterday I came out to my car to find my front tire flat.  I was glad that I discovered it early so that I was not rushed to pick my daughter up from school.  So I reassessed what I had planned to do and walked to her school instead of driving.  So this afternoon I decided that I could change my own tire since I had the knowledge of doing so when I first learned how to drive.  My father thought it would be beneficial to me to know how to change a tire in case I was stranded somewhere.  Well today I was not stranded or desperate but I had this grand idea to change my tire!

    So after a slight knick to my finger, 1 hour and 45 minutes,  and oh 2 bandaids later, I accomplished what I set out to do... I changed my tire.  While putting up the jack and the non-sufficient tools I used to prolong my experience, I realized how much I appreciated the mechanic who I last took my vehicle to and all his time-efficient tools he uses to change tires with.  I began to really appreciate that fact that although my father had good intentions in showing me how to change a tire, I can retain that knowledge and still ask for help!

    See, we all have great skills and talents.  We all have the unique ability to use our skills and talents to create businesses or use them as hobbies, etc.  But we all have the ability to know somethings and that's it.  The execution does not always manifest.  What I'm trying to say is... "Except that you are the expert of your talent and skill.  Knowledge is power, but knowing there is someone out there that has the specific tools and abilities to get the job done is the most powerful act we can do for ourselves."  I could have used that 1hr. and 45 minutes to help someone with marketing their business or create a really cool banner to use on IBOTOOLBOX.

    Today I appreciate you for reading my revelation and I appreciate those individuals that are blessed with the talents and skills that I do not possess.  I appreciate the businesses that have created efficient tools for us to use to make our time more valuable and I appreciate all the gifts that God gave me to master and be of service to those who need my help.  I hope that you take what I'm saying to heart and begin to appreciate yourself and be of service to those of us that need your help.  I'm going to go and send my mechanic a thank you card and let him know that I'll be in next week with my car so he can make sure the lug nuts are on tight!

    For more ways that I can be of service to you and those you may know, go to Dream Cast Marketing or take a look around this site for resources and tips to help your business grow. -Thank You

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Through the eyes of a friend: Adding Gratitude to your business

    Sometimes we can be so focused on developing our business that we take our eyes off of what really is we see ourselves.  When we truly appreciate how we see ourselves, we can better serve others because we have a better understanding of what we have to offer.

    I have the privilege of being apart of a special group of people that are changing lives through the attitude of gratitude.  When you are person who gives without expecting anything in return, you forget that you deserve to be elevated, celebrated, and appreciated as well.  Team Pure Intent has acknowledged me as Game Changer of The Month!  I wanted to share the kind words so eloquently bestowed by team leader Byron Talbert.  ENJOY!!
    Team Pure Intent: GAME CHANGER OF THE MONTH: SONYA MICHELE: Sonya Michele is a woman with passion and compassion for others. With her energy and smiling face she draws people from far and near...